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5 Essential Tips for Maintaining Your Swimming Pool Year-Round

Pool Maintenance 101: 5 Essential Tips for Year-Round Care

Maintaining your swimming pool year-round is key to ensuring it remains clean, safe, and enjoyable for you and your family. With proper care and attention, you can extend the life of your pool and minimise the need for costly repairs. From regular cleaning routines to seasonal maintenance tasks, here are five essential tips to keep your pool in top condition throughout the year.

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your pool clean and inviting year-round.

Skim and Vacuum Regularly

Keeping your pool clean begins with skimming the surface to remove leaves, debris, and insects. Use a pool skimmer net to skim the water’s surface daily and remove any floating particles. Additionally, vacuum the pool floor and walls weekly to eliminate dirt, algae, and other contaminants that can accumulate over time.

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Maintain Proper Water Chemistry

Balancing your pool’s water chemistry is crucial for preventing algae growth, bacteria buildup, and other water-related issues. Test your pool water regularly using a test kit or strips to ensure proper pH, chlorine, and alkalinity levels. Adjust chemical levels as needed to maintain a healthy and balanced environment for swimming.

Clean Filters and Pump Regularly

Your pool’s filtration system plays a vital role in keeping the water clean and clear. Check and clean the pool filters and pump regularly to remove trapped debris and maintain optimal filtration efficiency. Replace filter cartridges or backwash sand filters as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent clogs and ensure proper water circulation.

Winterise Your Pool

Properly winterising your pool is essential for protecting it from freezing temperatures and harsh weather conditions during the off-season. Before winter arrives, lower the water level, drain the pump and filtration system, and add winterising chemicals to prevent algae growth and damage. Cover the pool with a durable winter cover to keep out debris and maintain water quality until spring.

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